How my journey began

Hello - I’m Lisa, and I am pleased to welcome you to The Emperor and his Twin Flame.

I am a professional Tarot Reader, having completed both the Tarot Apprenticeship and Tarot Readers course with Rainbow Therapy UK Academy. 

I have psychic ability that I am still understanding and developing – we are all perpetual students!  It shows itself in a number of ways; through dreams, feelings and in that strong sense of “knowing” or claircognizance. I’m also an empath; I have often mistaken the feelings and emotions that I pick up on for my own!  I sometimes hear voices too, at that stage in between sleep and wakefulness. At other times, words come to me, so not voices this time, but single words or phrases. I work at keeping my channels to the angelic realm open so I can receive their guidance. During a Tarot reading, I am being guided by my spirit helpers, who show and tell me what needs to be said.

How it all began

My spiritual journey began many years ago, with little hints and clues here and there that I had that sense of “knowing”. But, of course, being young I didn’t appreciate it for what it was. I purchased my first Tarot deck, Tarot of the Cat People, years ago. The dark images portrayed on certain cards, such as The Tower and Death, alarmed me and I left the deck alone for several years! I didn’t understand the positive new beginning that is associated with both of these cards.

Fast forward to 2018, when I experienced a moment of absolute clarity and knowing about my future.  It was a pure lightning moment and it reignited in me an interest in all things spiritual. I attended my first spiritual course, a local Energy and Intuition class, and began reading about Angels and Angel number synchronicities, the moon phases, and crystals. From this basic foundation, I started my formal Tarot training. I also have an interest in astrology, and am fascinated by the link between astrology, numerology and Tarot.

So you see, once you get started on this path, you develop a real thirst for knowledge which you just have to keep satiated!  

Crystal Therapy

I am proud to announce my recent qualification as a Certified Crystal Energy Guide, which I studied with Kyle Gray UK, endorsed by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA). I am excited to introduce crystal therapy as a standalone service, but also as an added optional extra with Tarot readings.

Crystals are amazing wonders of our natural world. The body has an innate ability to heal itself, and crystals enable you to enter into the state of relaxation where healing can take place. They help to de-stress you, which encourages your body’s own healing mechanisms to kick in. Through crystal therapy, you enter that primal state where any blockages in your energy centres are eliminated, enabing energy to flow freely as it should for optimal health. For more information, press the link below.

I have been drawn to crystals for many years and feel blessed to be able to hold space for others through these sessions to help them to heal naturally.

So, now you know a bit more about me. I’m excited about this journey and very pleased to meet other like-minded souls like you. I look forward to working with you to bring about the positive changes you deserve and desire!

Lisa x

Feel empowered - take back control of your life and your destiny

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