Spiritual Stuff

Little pockets of interesting things for you to digest with your afternoon cuppa!

Lisa Darby Lisa Darby

When a Tarot reading will not help

Tarot is a divination tool. It is extremely beneficial for signposting any blockages or fears we may be carrying, for showing us our options and providing guidance and potential outcomes. The following are a few examples of when I believe Tarot readings may not be appropriate.

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Lisa Darby Lisa Darby

How to get the most out of your Tarot reading: Self-awareness

A greater sense of self-awareness is beneficial to getting the most out of your Tarot reading. It can help you to understand the messages and guidance you receive, enabling you to take the practical steps needed to progress through challenging circumstances.

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Lisa Darby Lisa Darby

Navigating the topsy-turvy world of Relationships

Sometimes we need to take a step back in order to see things clearly. Having a tarot reading based on your current relationship allows you to distance yourself from the immediate emotional core, presenting you instead with an impartial and honest view of your relationship, your place within it and its long term potential.

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Lisa Darby Lisa Darby

Podcast Interview

I was a guest on the Helping Hands Podcast with Gail Louise Turner. You can listen to it here.

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