How to get the most out of your Tarot reading: Preparation

It should come as no surprise when I say that times are hard.  In fact, at the time of writing, we are bracing ourselves for more of the same.

Please bear with me here. I know you are probably reading this hoping to escape from the stresses of the moment, but there is a reason I am beginning this way.

When you’ve booked an appointment for a Tarot reading, you may feel a renewed sense of hope and anticipation about what’s to come. You are optimistic about what you will discover.

But what do you do to get ready in the weeks, days or hours before your reading? Not much, I expect. Maybe even nothing at all, especially if you’re at a Mind, Body and Spirit event and you’re next in line.

I’ve been there - a few times actually! I’ve approached a reader at an event, or booked an appointment, and been ill-prepared for what’s next. Having no clear idea about what I wanted from the reading, sometimes unaware about what had drawn me to seek their services in the first place, I was especially unprepared for the opportunity to ask questions at the end! I would simply ask for more clarification on a subject mentioned before. I have also been guilty of closing myself off. I was always wary of saying anything that would lead the reader to a certain discovery about me or my situation, believing that information should come from them, not be given away freely.

I often came away from those earlier readings feeling like something was missing. Through no fault of their own, the readers didn’t quite get to the real issue at hand, and I still couldn’t put my finger on what was lacking. It was disappointing.

You might respond here that it sounds like the reader wasn’t that effective, being unable to identify issues bubbling away under the surface.

But what would you say if I told you that your approach is just as crucial in making it a positive and enriching experience?

Your Tarot reader wants you to have a good reading. They want you to be able to walk away from a reading with much to think about, with an idea of appropriate actions and steps you can take to get to where you want to get to, and anything that you might need to let go of. They want you to be able to tell others what a great reading you had and how much it inspired you.

When you’ve made that decision to purchase a reading, you have in effect taken a step to invest in your future – and, naturally, you want to ensure that you get the most you possibly can out of it. In particular, you want value for money. Well, a little bit of preparation will go a long way to ensuring that this happens.

You are investing in your future

A little bit of prior preparation will ensure that you get the most out of your Tarot reading, including value for money.

Prior to your next Tarot reading, take some time to reflect on the following:

  • Be honest with yourself. Consider what led you to book the reading in the first place. Have a think about what you want to know. Are there any issues that are prevalent in your life that you wish to receive guidance on? Is there anything you are avoiding? What is it that is bubbling away under the surface for you? Be clear on your motivations so that you can ask any relevant questions at the end if your concerns are not addressed during the reading.

  • Be open-minded.  You may be tarot-curious, perhaps even a bit sceptical, but that is no reason to believe you can’t still receive a reading of significance to you.  You may not be in any way spiritual, but that doesn’t matter; it isn’t a requirement. You just have to be present and open-minded. As Tarot reading is a spiritual practice, be prepared to hear things that you may never have considered before or that seem unreal to you right now.

  • Don’t hold back - answer any questions. Tarot readers are not mind-readers! If the Tarot reader asks you a question, it’s so that they can be clear on what they are being shown, what is relevant and what is not. If you withhold and don’t answer a question, precious time may be wasted on focusing on the wrong aspect that your response otherwise may have led the reader away from. Treat any face-to-face reading as a two-way conversation; working together with the reader to seek the outcome that you desire.

  • Be flexible. Not everything you hear in a reading will make immediate sense to you, leading you to question the relevance. When this happens, rather than dismissing it, allow those aspects of the reading to hang in the air around you. It is perfectly normal to experience a delayed awareness to certain points in your reading, but your consciousness will be triggered later, possibly by something that happens, that you overhear, or even a memory. On the other hand, if you have your reading and, as far as you are concerned, it is done and dusted for you, then that is fine - if that works for you. But, as Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “life is a journey, not a destination”. In the same way, your reading does not end with the end of the session; it may continue to unfold as time goes on, and deliver in ways you never thought possible. Allow the light bulb moments to come and notice them when they do.

  • Don’t be afraid to say no. Sometimes, a reader may approach a topic that may be a little too raw, one that you are not yet ready to face. That’s okay. Just tell the reader that you do not wish to focus on that particular area. Once you are feeling stronger, you may wish to revisit the subject again. It is your reading; don’t think you have to sit and hear or discuss anything that makes you uncomfortable. However, at the same time, be aware that those feelings of discomfort are signposting you to issues that really need your attention!

  • Above all else, enjoy the experience! Tarot readers have the amazing ability to really get to the heart of the matter, and this is a brilliant opportunity to find out what’s what. Make the most of the experience and enjoy every moment!

These are just a few of my own thoughts on the subject, you can choose to follow them – or not.  It is your reading, your experience, your life, and ultimately your decision what happens next. 

Also remember that, whilst the Tarot reader can identify guidance and possible outcomes for you, you are not obliged to take up any of the guidance if you do not wish. Likewise, if the outcome in a reading is less than desired, you have the ability to change that outcome - nothing is set in stone. You remain responsible for, and in control of, your own decisions and what that means is that what happens next is up to you.

Exciting times indeed!


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